Definetely good quality stuff !
Wow I'm impressed. You definetely put a lot of work in this (I checked the "making of" feature) and it shows! I have to say that it felt more about clicking everything you could then solving a mystery. However the story, while not the most original I ever read, was very solid and it really entertained me so good job for that. The only annoying thing was the grunts. Take those out for the next one in the series.
Because it would be a real shame if you don't make a series!
By the way I was missing two clues but I completed the game ... (it was the one after the clown's nose and the third before last one before the fallen marker box I think)
I don't know if it was just me, but the notes really didnt help me that much.
Oh and seriously the ending was REALLY cool I loved how the police officer asked questions and all that I just missed the last one.
Great job man! I'm really looking forward to another one like that! Just make it a tiny bit harder ;) but the story was good no problem with that